1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier



Imperial Fizz

Juice of a half Lemon Vs Rum 1 Barspoon Sugar Vs Rye or Scotch "Whisky Tumbler with Snow Ice Juice of one Lemon 1 Barspoon Sugar 1 Glass Gin stir well balance Soda 1 Barspoon Sugar 1 Barspoon Lemon Juice

John Collins Fizz

Morning Glory Fizz

3 ds. Absinthe

1 Scotch "Whisky

balance Soda Water

Morning Delight Fizz

Juice of one Lemon

1 White Egg Vs Pony Absinthe V2 Pony Whisky 1 Pony Sherry 1 Barspoon Sugar 4 ds. Calisaya Bitter shake well balance Soda

1 Orange Liquor 1 Fraisia Liquor 1 Jargonelle Liquor balance Soda 1 Barspoon Sugar

New Mown Flay Fizz

New Orleans Fizz

Tuice of a half Lemon

1 Gin

White Egg 3 Barspoons sweet Cream balance Soda



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