1936 Cocktails Drinks and Snacks

2 02. 2 oz. Dubonnet Add I'^Mict^oTlemon,^



2 oz. BouiYban


^ 02. piueaijipJe juice i °with

into co'^-^tau® •'"'oe a Hew Biprig-s of ^mint. dieicorate

1 1-2 02. Bounbo 1 dash Angostm-a Bitters i i

Ice'^S^ Oraage Bitters, 2 dalil? ^''sintbe ' strain into coekLn^P'® ^yrup 1-2 oz. grapefmit juice 10^90 tutors ' strain into cocktail , 4 oz. Bourbon '^°- 2 ^ ' 1S5.-S'Se""- Maraschino

2 oz. Bourbon 2 2 t^spoonsfui,powdered,sjigar 2 OZ. pineapple syrun ^ . Ice, stir Well sti-p; • *

' '®«oktail glass.


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