1936 Cocktails Drinks and Snacks

Whiskey Fizz No. 2


2 oz. 'B'OurbQn 2 bar spoons sugar, 3 dashes lemou juice Ice, 25 sihakes, strain into highball glass, fill with charged water, should toe drank at once not slipped like cocktail. Whiskey Sour No. 2 2 oz. Bourbon 1 bar spoon sugar. Juice of 1-2 lemon. Juice of 1-2 lime Ice, 30 shakes, strain into Wihiskey Sour glass. Golden Fleece Rerabit 2 icupfuls gi-ated American cheese, 1 tableBpoon. toutter 1 egg, 1-2 teaspoon dry mustard, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1-4 tea! spoon baking powder, 3-4 cup evaporated milk or cream i dash cayenne, 1-2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Put toutter in frying pan or chiahing dish- lilace ova,. medrum flame, add grated cheese and Worcestershire ra?, a stir constantly until melted, add 1 egg ligaitlv toiaLn n i an dry ingredients, stir into melted cheefSd cSk umS smooth, pour over hot toast on warmed plates Scotch Woodcock 1 tablespoon Anchovy paste, 3 hard tooiled eggs iRalt pepper to taste, 1 cup milk, 1 1-2 cups toread crumbs 1 -^9 tablespoons toutter, iheat milk, add crumbs paau , flame, stir smooth, add toutter salt rd peZr paste, then fold intto sliced eggs, serve on toast ' Welsh Rarebit 3-4 pound cheesie, 1-2 cup of ale or beer 1 dieh pepper, 1-2 teaspoon dry mustard, 12 teSpoon Sit S® cheese in chafing dish or spider over slow flnme pour LLTt desired to make richer add beaten yolks ^ two eg^. T» vtr 1 u T, Golden Buck Rarebit Is Welsh Rarebit with poached egg on each portion.


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