1936 Cocktails and Appetizers by a Connnoisseur

CAVIAR OLIVES Cover Stuffed Olive completely with a mixture of ^ Cream Cheese and Anchovy Paste. Roll in Caviar and serve on Cracker. SARDINE AND EGG Combine 4 Hard Cooked Egg Yolks minced fine with one oz. can Sardines mashed. Add 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice, 2 tablespoons Mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon Garlic flavored French Dressing. CRABMEAT SPREAD Mix one 6 oz. can Flaked Crabmeat with J/a cup Chopped Celery, cup minced canned Pimento, cup Mayonnaise, % teaspoon Salt, teaspoon Paprika. Spread on foundation. LOBSTER SPREAD Combine one 6 oz. can Lobster, minced, 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice, IJ^ teaspoons Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon garlic flavored French Dressing. Spread on foundation. SALMON AND TOMATO Drain juice from canned Tomatoes and mix pulp with minced Salmon (or chopped Ham), add chopped Green Pepper and Onion and A-1 Sauce, chill in refrigerator. Spread thickly on toast and garnish with slices of Pimento or sliced Stuffed Olives.

HAM AND OLIVE SPREAD ''/i lb. minced Cooked Ham (2/3 cup), cup finely chopped Stuffed Olives, 2 tablespoons minced Parsley, and )4 cup Mayonnaise.


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