1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke



Frost rim ofglass with lemon and castor sugar. Shake in cocktail shaker the following in gredients: 1/3 measure lemon juice 1/3 measure Curacao measure Maraschino I measure brandy Strain into the prepared glass and squeeze a twist oflemon peel on drink before serving. Yo measure dry Vermouth juice of 14 lemon I teaspoonful Grenadine white of Yo an egg Shake well and strain into a large cocktail glass.


Clover Club i measure dry gin


114 measures brandy


Y2. measure orange Curacao yolk of I egg good dash of Grenadine Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.

Broken Spur i V2 measures port wine 14 measure gin

14 measure sweet Vermouth dash of Anisette yolk of I egg Shake and strain into a goblet glass.


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