1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke



Place in tumbler large piece ofice, slice oflemon and strip ofcucumberpeel. Pour in:

Seagrams Cooler

I dash ofAngostura bitters I measure Bourbon whisky

1 liqueur glass Martini Vermouth 34 liqueur glass orange Curacao Fill the glass with ginger ale.

(Eddie won 2nd prize in the Daily Mail Summer Drink Competition with this creation in 1938.)

I measure gin yolk of I egg 34 tablespoonful powdered sugar juice ofa fresh lemon Shake extra well and strain into a medium sized goblet glass. Fill with syphon soda.

Golden Fizz

134 measures gin I 34 measures fresh cream

New Orleans Gin Fizz

half white ofan egg juice of 34 ^ lemon

134 teaspoonfuls ofsugar I teaspoonful of Kirsch Shake and strain into a goblet glass andfill with cold soda water.


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