1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke


Milk Punch (20 bottles) Take four dozen fresh limes, two ounces of cinnamon and two ounces ofnutmeg powder,six pounds ofsugar,six pints of milk, two bottles of brandy and twelve ofrum,six pints boiled water. Take offthe peel from the limes and keep the juice separate. Wet the peel in two bottles ofrum in a bowl for twenty-four hours. After twenty-four hours take a big bowl and put the lemon peel and rum into it, also two bottles of brandy, ten bottles of rum and the cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar. Shake or stir until the sugar is dissolved. Then add the six pints of boiled milk. This will curdle the fluid in the bowl. Add six pints of boiled water to the mixture. Keep in the same bowl for twenty-four hours, covered with a cloth. Then strain it in a flannel bag and pour into bottles. The fluid should be quite clear. possible, keep the bottles at least a Ibrtnight before drinking. Old English Mead No. 1 2 cups strained honey 4 qts. spring water (rain water if possible) cup brown or white sugar juice of I lemon and peel chopped flne cake of yeast, spread on piece of toast (or i oz. com pressed baker's yeast) 2 whites ofeggs well beaten. Mix honey, water and sugar, add eggs, simmering slowly. When scum stops foaming, add lemon peel and juice, then the yeast when it becomes luke warm.Stand in a crock in a warm spot until it stops working. Cork bottle as beer.


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