1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke


Sherries Fino

Very pale and Dry, has a very delicate bouquet. Slightly darker than the Fino, and not quite so dry. Has a distinctive taste entirely of its own,a pale wine and quite dry. Very dry,and pale. Little darker in colour to Amontillado, and not quite so dry, has nice bouquet. Medium sweet, and golden in colour. Deepgoldenincolour,rich,sweetandsoft. Generally wines ofgreat age. Similar to the Oloroso although not quite so rich and a little less body. Sweet,rich, dark and nutty. Considered a blend ofsherry, rich, dark and sweet. Brut or Nature, defines the wine as being very very dry. Extra sec, or Extra dry, defines it as being fairly dry. Sec, defines it as being Medium Sweet. Demi-sec, defines it as being sweet. Doux,defines it as being very sweet.



Montilla Vine de Pasta

Golden Oloroso


Brown Solera


Hocks and Moselles Don't be frightened by the long complicated names on the bottles of German Hocks and Moselles, because actually they give more accurate and des criptive information than on most other wine bottles. For example, the first word is always the place of origin—should it be the name ofa village, then it has the suffix of"er", for example, with the Hocks it is


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