1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke
A few Wine Notes off the Cuff It is advisable to drink a white wine with asalad— the dressing would kill a red wine, which will taste pretty awful trying to compete with the vinegar. Start a meal with the lightest wines and go on to the heavier, full-bodied wines with the main course. Hocks, Moselles and other light wines like Vin Rose are ideal for hot weather drinking, as they are, of course served chilled, but not ice cold as it will completely ruin the character of the wine, and one could hardly tell the difference between it and iced lager. The wine should be just cool enough to cause a mist to form on the outside ofthe glass. Some folk are very nervous over opening a bottle of Champagne; there is no need to be, for it is very simple. First make sure the wine has been chilled, then hold a serviette around the bottle and with the other hand carefully untwist the wire (anti-clockwise) which secures the cork. Then grasp the serviette firmly round the cork and turn the bottle in one direction only,according to which hand you are using and the cork should come out quite easily. Do not try to turn the cork one way then the other, or it will break off its head still leaving the remainder of the cork in the bottle. This will mean using a cork screw to try and remove the most persistant piece which seems to bejoined to the bottle. Should a fountain of wine shoot from the bottle once the cork comes out, do not point it at someone you dislike, or try to smother the spout with your hand,just hold the bottle at an angle of about 25 and fan the mouth ofthe bottle with the other hand, this will allow the air to get into the neck and the frothy wine will subside.
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