1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

Having completed this drastic pruning, we can gather up what is left, and sort them out into their various blood groups, so that we may see exactly where and what their position is in the sacred ritual of drinking. First then, and in alphabetical order, we move to the stage of:

Mixed Drinks and their Definitions

Aperitifs The whole object of this drink is to tickle up the hunger glands and thereby sharpen the appetite—should look attractive, be short, and very or fairly dry. These drinks are stirred in a mixing glass to make them appear crystal clear (i.e. Martini, Man- hatten, Gib or Dubonnet, etc.). Cobbler An attractive looking cool drink for the summer. Containing sherries or ports, liqueurs,spirits,fruitjuices. Served in a wine goblet glass containing crushed ice, and decorated with fresh fruit in season. Will make the hottest place in the sun seem like a shady nook by a mountain stream. Cocktails Covers a multitude of short, iced cold and perfectly blended drinks.Flavoursome,with out having anyingredient predominant.The drier variety come under the aperitifs; they will be stronger, respond more quickly to the sound of the dinner gong. The sweeter


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