1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke


A beverage of wines,flavoured with liqueurs and fruits, usually served in a punch bowl or pitcher, well iced and garnished with fruit.

Another name for the Highball type of drink, usually served in a tumbler, with spirits, sugar or grenadine, fruit juices and soda water.


Egg Nogs Just the right sort of long nourishing morning drink, when the smell of egg and bacon is hard to take, especially ifserved on a tray carried by an enormous pink elephant. Contains egg, milk, spirits, sugar and nutmeg.

Concentrated "Daisies" with less liquid and more spiritual body.


A fairly long drink, and effervescent. Con taining spirits, fruitjuices,sweetening and a mineral water. Some contain white of egg, some the yolk, some the lot minus the shell.


Concentrated egg nogg, without the milk. Very good health giving properties for all types ofinvalids.



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