1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

it has a nasty babit of parting amidships, and a bath in public with egg nogg founda tion is rather a let down to one's ego, and a bikini isn't exactly a party dress, unless under a mink coat. There is the real American made Boston which is much easier to use. One half is of strong glass, which fits well down inside and at an angle into a larger half which is of stainless steel. Two mixing glasses. For using to stir the clear aperitifs and other such stimulants to the digestive organs. These pieces ofequipment are fairly fragile, so always remember to stir and not pound as though preparing a saucepan of potato puree—these drinks are delicate and they bruise easily. Four bitter decanter bottles, with sprinkler stoppers. One to be used for each of the following bitters: Angostura, Orange, Peach and Pernod. When not in use it is advisable to insert a cherry stick into the nozzle of the sprinklers; it prevents those little pests called "bar flies" from getting in. (This does not mean the human type,for the bodies ofthese valiant drinkers are simply swept up with the rubbish in the morning.).


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