1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

can then contain anything from 25% to 100%.But to have such a drink before a meal would be on par with eating a nice hunk ofchocolate gateau. Hardly an ideal appetiser. There are,ofcourse,several other flavouringingredients besides liqueurs. One, for example, as in the case of the Clover Club Cocktail; the flavouring agent is Grenadine. Other syrups such as Cassis, Framboise,Fraises are all used considerably in other drinks. With regard to the aperitif cocktail, the formula is drastically cut down,for here the need is for a quick burst of flame to warm up the hunger buds. So the base is stepped up, anything from 50% to 80% of the total volume, and the toning down agent and the flavouring component combine forces and become one. And in most cases it appears as an aperitif wine, or in others just a pure fruit juice. Here again, there are exceptions to the rule, be cause some aperitif cocktails are just a blend of aromatic wines, such as Vermouths, Dubonnet, Lillet, or even sherries, and will contain no spirits of any kind except those which fortify the actual wine. There is one very important ingredient mostly used in aperitif cocktails, which so far has been neglected. I am referring to the Dash Family of Bitters. These are very sensitive little people, and expertly used will impart a special delightful flavour and fragrance to a drink. But misused with a heavy hand, the whole character of the cocktail wiU be completely ruined. Therefore be ye warned when a"dash"is stated in a recipe. It meansone tinyliquid globlet from the special sprinkler and not a teaspoonful. These bitters fall into two categories (a) aromatic, such as Angostura and Peychaud,etc.;(b)fruit flavoured,ofwhich Orange and Peach are the most popular.


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