1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

Champagne glasses Size notsmaller than6ozs., must bestemmed, but the shape of the bowl is a matter of opinion. Some favour the shallow saucer shape, others a deeper goblet type. Certainly the goblets are easier to sip from, and are more practicable since the stiletto heel age has arrived and silver slippers are out of fashion.

Brandy glass Clear, size anything from 8 to 40 ozs. Short stemmed with a huge tulip shaped bowl, the larger it is the more you will enjoy the fragrance ofthe brandy—the short stem acts as an anchor for the hands, whilst they are wrapped round the bottom of the bowl warming the brandy.

Moselle and Hock glasses Can be tinted—size 6 ozs., must be tall, long stemmed and squat tulip shaped bowl. These glasses can be chosen for their attraction and quality,on par with the fragrance ofthe wine they are expected to hold.


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