1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke
Moon Rocket
Poitr into a cocktail shaker:
I measure Kirsch 14 measui-e orange juice
measure apricot brandy Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass. Then pour into the drink teaspoonful Grenadine. (This ingredient will sink to the bottom.)
Martian Lady Pour into a cocktail shaker: I measure gin I measure lemon juice 14 liqueur glass cherry brandy % white ofan egg. Shake well and strain into a champagne glass.
The Comet (Devised by Eddie and presented to B.O.A.C.to celebrate the first flight ofthe
Comet in 1953.) I measure brandy
%measure Van der Hum %measure grapefruitjuice dash ofAngostura Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass with a squeeze oflemon peel.
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