1936 The Artistry of Mixing Drinks by Frank Meier

M fR P P P P P P P| P [m p p IP p p p P B P TOMATE A popular French Drink.

g P g g P P_ g g g g P g g E g g g p p p P

In tumbler or large wineglass;a piece of Ice, one glass of Anis "Pernod fils a teaspoon of Grenadine; add water to suit taste, stir and serve.


VERMOUTH CASSIS A popuiar French Drink,


in tumbler or large wineglass: a piece of Ice, one glass of French Vermouth, a table spoon of Cassis; add Schwep- pes soda water or syphon, stir and serve. WHITE PLUSH In tumbler: a piece of Ice, one glass of Bourbon or Rye Whiskey; fill with fresh Milk and serve.


E p p p

p p p

p M p M g



p p p p p p p p Im P PPPP P


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