1937 Bar La Florida Cocktails


\/2 Nolly Prat Vermouth. \/2 Rye Whiskey .


V2 Vermouth Nolly \/2 Rve \Vhiskey. 1 Cota J',ngo:,tura. Hielo menudo. Enfrfese batirio y cuele:e

1 Dash Angm:tura. Cracked Ice.


Do not shake . let it becom~ very cold, >train and serve.


\/2 Martini Rossi Vermouth. 'h Rye Whiskey. 112 Teaspoonful Curacao. Cracked Ice. Do not sh;:,ke. Let it get very cold and strain. Serve with two cherries.

l/2 Vermouth Martini Rossi. \/2 Rye Whiskey 112 CuchBracJ:1·a de Curacao. Hielo me;1•.idc Enfrlese sin batirlo y cu?lese. Sirvase con dos gLiindas.

MANHATTAN (Medio Dulce)

V2 Vermo;;th Nolly Prat. \/2 Rye Whiskey.

V2 Nolly Prat Vermouth. l/2 Rye Whiskey. 1 Dash J',ngc:;lura.

· 1 Cota Angostura.

Cracked Ice.

Do not shake. Let it become very cold, strain and serve.

Hielo menudo. Enfriese sin bati rlo y cuele:;e.



\/2 Vainilla 'rl) cream. \/2 Cognac Soberano. Batido y colado. Ad6rnese con canela en polvo•.

112 Vainilla lce--cream. \/2 Soberanc, C0gnac.

Shake and str«in serve wi.th powdered cinnamon on top.

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