1937 Here is Something that will interest you (3 rd edition)

TO CURE THE EFFECTS OF UNWISE .INDULGENCE IN MIXED DRINKS Equal parts of lemon juice and Worcester Sauce with soda water. (or)Angostura Bitters and soda water.

TO RELIEVE COUGHS i gill Warnink's Advocaat, I tablespoonful honey. Stir well and fill up slowly with fresh milk into large tumbler.

TO RELIEVE INDIGESTION A small wineglassful of Gin and Fockink's White Crferae de Menthe or peppermint in equal parts.

TO RELIEVE NEURALGIA A liqueur glass of Cognac Brandy swallowed very slowly.

TO RELIEVE SEA-SICKNESS We hopefully suggest Champagne, but cannot guarantee its invariable success.

HERE'S HOW to Mix and Serve PARTY and DANCE ''CUPS"

Party time is usually Dancing time as well, and that indicates frequent raids on the Buffet in search ofthat something which wiU refresh, revive, but not necessarily intoxicate. The wise Party-thrower will therefore be well advised to include one or two of the following Cups,if his or her name would be well spoken of in taxis, tubes and trains on the homeward trail ofthe guests.


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