1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


Saigon Special Cocktail, French lndo-China St. Cecelia Society Punch, Charleston . Saint Mark's Miracle Cocktail; Seattle Exotic Saki, & Chinese Rice Wine Sal Volatile .

120, 121 106 88

188 171 121 IIO II I

Santiago Nightcap Cocktail; Cuba Santiago de Cuba Planter's Punch Savannah Planter's Punch September Morn Cocktail; Havana

121 178 122 122 107 188 123 198 149 123, 124

Shakers, Proper Type and Construction . . . Shamrock Special Cocktail; Kelly's Ritz, Panama . Shanghai Buck, a Cooler . Shepherd's Sack Posset, Sir Fleetwood's; London Sherry . . . .

Sherry as an Aperitif or Appetizer . Sherry, Temperature in the Tropics Shrub, Temperance . . . . . Shrub, West Indian Style; Bermuda Smile Cocktail . .

124 125 126

South Camp Road Cocktail, Wilson's; Jamaica Star Ruby, Rangoon; Lower Burmah . . . Sunday Morning Cocktail No. I, Whitfield Smith's Sunday Morning Cocktail No. II . . · · · Sunday Vespers Cocktail; London . Swedish, or Caloric, Punch . . . Swiss Yodeler, a Picker-Upper; Lake Como Swizzles, West Indian . . . . . . Swizzle, Jamaica Rum; Port Antonio . . · · · · Swizzle, Mallingholm Nos. I, II, III, & IV; Virgin Islands

89 90

126 189 89 u2 to rr4 II2 112 to rr4 rr4, rr5

Swizzle Stick; What It Is . Syrup, Bar, Gomme, or Gum Syrups, T e Six Chief

154 189

139 to 150 140 141 141 142

Temperance Delights . . . . . . · Temperance Delight, Angostura Fizz; Trinidad Temperance Delight, Cassis & Soda; France · · · Temperance Delight, "Mock Daisy" Crusta; Panama · Temperance Delights, Garnishing of Temperance Delight, Ginger Beer, Stone Bottle Type; Old English, How to Make . . . . . . .

'· I

142, 143

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