1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


Temperance Delight, Punch, Cardinal; England . Temperance Delight, Punch, Mandarin; Peking . Temperance Delight, Punch, Pomegranate; North India Temperance Delight, Punch, Black Tea; Ceylon . Temperance Delight, Raspberry Vinegar; Old English; How to Make Temperance Delight, "Rhubarb Highball," Hongkong Temperance Delight, Tea Shake; Nassau, Bahamas Temperance Delight, West Indian Shrub; Bermuda Temperature of Wines Temperature of Wines in the Tropics . Tequila, & Its History Tequila Cocktail, A rmillita Chico; Mexico City Tequila Special, a la Bertita; Taxco . Tequila Por Mi Amante; Mexico Tiger's Milk,.Nos. I, II, & III Toxic Poisonings, How to Alleviate Turf Cocktails Nos. I, II, & III; Nassau, Bombay, & Havana . Vanilia in Mixed Drinks, & Creme de Vanille . Vanilla Punch Cooler; Tahiti Veritas Cocktail, Harvard Club; New York Vermouth . Vermouth Cassis, or Pompier Highball . Vicomte de Mauduit's Own Cocktail of Rose Brandy Violette, Creme de, & Creme Yvette . Virgin's Prayer Cocktail; Versailles, France Vodka .

146 to 148 148 1 49 1 49 1 93 197,198 127, 128; 189

128 129 129

131, 132

189 1 34 1 35 189 98

135 189 132 to 134 189

Waldorf's Last Cocktail; New York Waring Mixer; or The Mixer Wassail Bowl, Old Elizabethan; London Waxman Special Cocktail; Palm Beach Whisky, the Four Basic Types . . .

136 6

rn8 136 190 190 1 37 191to202

White Mule . . . . . . . . . . White Rat Cocktail; Paris . . . . . . . W~ne, Care & Service with Meals; Various Angles Wme, the ABC of Service . . . . . Wine, Special Care & Handling Technique Wine with Cheese . . . . . . .

1 93 196 201

. 216 .

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