1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


sour glass, and top off with a squirt of soda, garnished with 2 sprigs of mint and a stick of ripe pineapple.

CREOLE CONTENTMENT, an I smrnus PLEASANTRY from that CHARMING HoT-BED of INTRIGUE & CuLTURE which Is the PULSE of the GREAT DELTA CoUNTRY-NEw ORLEANS This hazard and liability to consistent maidenhood came to our desk through office of a friend whose father once was Episcopal Bishop of Washington, and who writes books about pirates. Don't treat this one lightly, mes amis. ... Of cognac, Madeira wine and maraschino, take r pony each; turn this into a bar glass with ice; toss in r dash of orange bitters, stir well, pour into a big Manhattan glass or saucer type champagne, and gar– nish with 3 maraschino cherries: red, green and white.... Our personal experience is that it is better to cut the marasc:hino down by half, stepping up the cognac in that ratio. That business of the 3 cherries, while no doubt a pretty and chivalrous gesture to the femi– nine victim is, of course, sheerest swank. It is a good drink and needs little trimming. THE CUBA LIBRE-or "FREE CuBA"-ANALYZED & IMPROVED This native Island concoction started by accident and has caught on everywhere throughout the south, has filtered through the north and west. Last summer, for instance, we ran into Kaaba Lee-brays 5000 feet up in the North Carolina Mountains at High Hampton, the year before in Mexico City and Seattle. Last week in Palm Beach and Cat Cay. The only trouble with the drink is that it started by accident and without imagination, has been carried along by the ease of its supply. Under any condition it is too sweet. What's to do? . . . After clinical experimenting for which our insurance carriers heartily dislike us, we tested several variations of the original, with this result: the Improved Cuba Libre consists of r big jigger of Carta de Oro Bacardi, the juice of 1 small green lime, and the lime peel after squeezing. Put in a Tom Collins glass, muddle . 27.

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