1945 Chicago Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers Union

QUEEN ANNE FIZZ Use mixing glass Muddle 1 h Lemon Fill glass lh 'shaved Ice White of l Egg

lh jigger Sloe Gin lh jigger Dry Gin Dash of Sweet Cream Ddsh Grenadine Shake well. Strain into fizz glass. Add Seltzer and serve. ROYAL FIZZ Use mixing glass Muddle lh Lemon with l bampoon Sugar Use mixing glass 1/ 2 shaved ice l jigger Gin l Whole Egg. Shake well. Strain into fizz glass. Add Seltzer and serve. · RAMESES FIZZ Made the same as New Orleans Fizz. SILVER FIZZ Use mixing glass Muddle ¥2 Lemon w ith l bampoon Sugar . Fill glass 1h shaved Ice White 1 Egg l jigger Gin Shake w ell. Strain into fli z glass. Add • Seltzer and serve. 43

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