1945 Chicago Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers Union


When making any egg; milk, or cream drink, wash shaker immediately. When serving any kind of mixed drink, pre· pare your service glass before mixing drink. Never say: "What will you have for a wash or chaser'", but "What do you wish on the side". Bitters when called for should be used with the greatest of ca're. Too much will spoil a drink; also, too little will spoil a drink. To frost glass for certa1n cocktails. squeeze lime, saving rind to wet edge of glass. Do not hold glass up, but tilt down so that you can get an even collar. In making any drink where a cube of sugar is called for, just cover sugar with !)eltzer. Where a drink calls for twist of lemon peel over top, be sure you twist lemon peel direct– ly over top of drink, then discard. VERY IMPORTANT. Grenadine syrups vary d great deal, some are very heavy and oth– ers light. Acquaint yourself accordingly. Pousse Caies come in 4-5-6-7 colors. In making a pousse cafe pour the cordial f!aving the lowest alcoholic content at the bottom of glass and graduate up, , Although cordials vary in gravity weight, this is a fair nile to follow


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