1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

The "Pink Top" is the creation of Mario Bellettini, a captain:

Pink Top:

11/i oz. gin % oz. grand marnier % oz. lemon juice dash grenadine Shake well and serve very cold.

While at the end of the procession comes t~e contribution of Kittie Kincaid of the hat room:

Whiskey Sour on the Sweet Side: I oz.-rye

1h oz. lemon juice Serve with cherry, orange and sugar.

And Albert Butrice's "Round Robin" from behind the bar:

Round Robin:

white of one egg tsp. of sugar I oz. absinthe I oz. brandy Shake well. Serve in a still wine glass.

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And finally Tony Malinary's "Ranger Cocktail":

Ranger Coclctail:

% oz. rum (light) % oz. gin

% oz. lemon juice sugar to sweeten Shake well. Serve in cocktail glass.

121: Appendix

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