1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe
This, of course, is among the more heroic remedies, and a few of the less lethal and drastic cures available to the almost illimitable resources of _Cookie are the following:
2oz. whisky Juice of half lemon I tsp. sugar Shake, strain and serve in Delmonico glass. Dress with fruit. Squirt of seltzer. ·I egg 2 oz. brandy I tsp. sugar milk Shake; strain and serve in tall glas! with nutmeg on top. I oz. cura4'ao I oz. brandy I egg Shake with cracked ice and strain into Del– monico glass. I egg 2oz.rum I tsp. sugar milk Shake, strain and serve in tall glass with nutmeg on top. I tsp. fine granulated sugar 3 dashes lemon juice
Brandy Eggnpg:
Egg Sour:
Rum Eggnog:
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