1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

Sherry Cobbler:

fill goblet with fine ice 3 ~z. sherry I tsp. sugar I twist lemon peel add dash of cherry brandy. Stir. Decorate with fruit, sprig of mint. I tsp. powdered sugar white of egg % tsp. sugar Shake and strain·in highball glass. Top with seltzer. 2 oz. brandy - I tsp. sugar whole egg Shake well. Nutmeg on top. Use 4 oz. wine glass. 1% oz. gin juice of half lemon 2 sprigs of mint 1 tsp. sugar Shake well, strairi into highball glass and add seltzer. Decorate with mint. I% oz. Scotch

Morning Glory Fizz:

Brandy Flip:

South Side Fiz:is:

I '


Amidst this scholar ly discussion of the uses of advanced medicine in the treatment and cure of you know what, there may well be considered two classic stand-bys which have engaged the specula– tive attentions of amateurs for many years, the prairie oyster and champagne in various solutions. The prairie oyster is an old-time

27: Morning

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