1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

those who, confronted with two or three tall glasses of this pota· tion, lapse into what Milt Gross calls"a dip slip". Certainly it is a heavy arrangement and may result in the achievement of'a state of benign stupefaction by the unwary.

% d ry champagne 1h Guinness stout

Black Velvet:

Chill these separately and pour them to· gether in equal portions in any available tall glass holding at least a pint.

Less esoteric than either of the foregoing and, perhaps, more suited to the purse and pretentions of the average victim of breakfasttime palsy are some of these, all of which are accessible and some of them in frequent requisition among the Stork's eleven o'clock patrons: Rob Roy:

2 oz. Scotch % oz. Italian vermouth I dash orange hitters Decorate with cherry. S tir and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass. 1 Yz oz. Scotch With shaved ice-serve in old-fashioned glass. Twist of lemon peel. Serve with straws. lllz oz. gin crush half lump sugar with 3 sprigs of mint 1 cube ice fruit Serve in old-fashioned glass. Top with selt· :zer. Stir. I I

Scotch Mist:


29: Morning

Made with