1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

A.b1Jinthe Frappe:

l 1h oz. absinthe, green or white I white of egg 1 tsp. sugar Frappe briskly with shaved ice and servt: frozen cold in a Delmonico glass.

Sometimes the name of a drink has nothing to do with its con– tent, occasion or potentialities and represents nothing more than the dead hand of tradition or the momentary whim of its originator or popularizer. On other occasions, however, it is indicative of the nature of the consequence of the potation, and such would seem to be the case with several of the absinthe arrangements hereinafter catalogued. Their precise nature may best perhaps be summarized by the opening lines of the "Cocktail Song" which amateurs of scholarly matter will find in its enti-rety in The Stag's Hornbooh and other hand volumes of reference:

"The cocktail is a pleasant drink; It's nice and harmless, I don't think!"

Commando Cocktail: 11h oz. bourbon % oz. triple sec 2 dashes pernod juice of half lime

Shake and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.


1 % oz. brandy % oz. pernod % oz.vodka Shake and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.

Hurricane Cocktail:

37: Morning

Made with