1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

1% oz. gin % oz. cointreau juice of half lemon egg white Shake and serve in 4 oz. wine glass.

White Lady:

Gin Daisy:

juice of half lemon 4 dashes of grenadine l % oz. gin Serve in goblet with fine ice, fruit, squirt of seltzer. Straws.

El Presidente Cocktail:

1% oz. rum 1 ~ oz. French vermouth

2 dashes grenadine twist of orange peel Shake and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.

Should the matter of food, at an appropriate pause in the rounds of restoratives, rear its dainty head at this juncture, the manage· ment of the Stork stands ready and willing to purvey certain dishes which have become favorites with luncheon patrons and half a dozen of which are here briefly mentioned. All standard variations on the luncheon theme may be taken for granted as available on the ample house menu: these are specialties and indigenous to the premises at No. 3 East Fifty-third Street. 1 I Omelette Steve Hannagan was named for one of the Stork's first patrons, oldest inhabitants and the closest confident of the management for no more elusive reason than that Mr. Hannagan favors his omelette garnished with diced mushrooms, fried egg· plant and stewed tomatoes.

49: Noon

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