1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe


I oz. amber rum I oz. silver rum I oz. Jamaica rum

4 dashes cherry brandy 4 dashes apricot brandy I dash papaya juice juice of half lime

Serve in tall glass with cracked ice. Top with % oz. 151 proof rum. Stir. Decorate with green and red cherry and slice of orange. Serve with straws.

Nobody seems ever with any impressive degree 0£ persuasiveness to have been able to say just when such arrangements as a Zombie should he served (i£ ever) and present any logical reason why one time 0£ day or night is any better (or worse) suited to their inhalation. True purists will scream that all mixed drinks save, perhaps, a ver– mouth cassis or gin and bitters are an abomination, and as such we have no concern with their cant. The fact stands that many people like many drinks at many times; some even going on record to the effect th11t they like all drinks at any time. The author of this book makes no attempt, save along the broadest 0£ conceivable lines, to indicate the propriety 0£ any given drink at any given time. The only person fit to he an arbiter in such matters is th_e consumer him– self who will, in any case, drink just as he pleases in complete and magnificent disregard for what any authority in the matter may say. Anyhow, the author's Uncle Ned, who early in life absented himself from Framingham, Massachusetts, to live in Paris where he wore for many decades t:P.e same pearl gray derby and made astonishing sums 0£ money playing roulette at the Banker's Club, believed the best time to drink an Haute Sauterne was at breakfast. The admission of this family solecism has always seemed an adequate excuse for the

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