1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

Claret Punch:

3 oz. claret juice of half lemon 2 dashes cura~ao 1 tsp. sugar Dress with fruit and serve in goblet with fine ice, squirt of seltzer.

Brandy Punch:

2oz. brandy sugar to taste

1 dash grenadine 1 dash maraschino shaved Ice Use goblet. Dress. with mint and fr11;it. Stir well. Squirt ofseltzer.

Sauterne Punch:

ยท(for l gallon) juice of five lemons

2 ponies brandy 1 pony applejack 1% oz. pineapple juice 2 dashes yellow chartreuse 2 qt. sauterne 2 qt. sparkling water Sugar to taste. Cucumber rinds. Dress with fruit.

Pimm's #1:

2 cubes of ice slice of lemon cucumber rind lemon soda 2 oz. Pimm's No. l Serve in tall glass and stir.

97: Night

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