1948 Shaking with Eddie by Eddie Clarke




£ S d .

Oct. 1 Adv t . for typist

3 6 3 0

2 Violets for typist's desk 8 We e k ' s salary, typist

3 10 0

9 Roses for typist 11 Sweets for wife

... ...

. . . ... . . .

. . . ... . . .

15 0

4 0

13 Lunch, typist and self

1 10 0 4 1 0 0

15 Typist's salary

17 Pictures, wife and self 18 Theatre, typist and self



3 0


2 0 0

19 Sweets for wife




4 0

20 Lilian's salary ... 5 10 0 21 Theatre and dinner, Lily and self ... 4 0 0 Nov. 2 Doctor's Bill ( L )

50 0 0 150 0 0

3 Fur coat for wife 4 Adv t . for male typist

. . .


3 6

HEY MAM! Lady : " Whe r e ' s that pretty girl who was selling cigarettes a while ago?"

Friend : " Wh y . Ar e you looking for s ome ? " Gue s t : " No , I 'm looking for my husband . "

IDLE TIMES Two brooms were chatting in an old garden shed. Said one, " I think I 'm going to have a little bristle." " Impo s s i b l e , " said the other, " W e haven't swept together for ye a r s . " ? 1st Cat (criticising actress) : " Can't see how she's got on so well. She isn't even good." 2nd Ca t : " Perhaps that's the reason." WHO KNOWS "EAR-Y" The football player with the bandaged head was limping over the scene of the desperate conflict of the day before. " Fighting the battle over again, old chap?" someone asked him. " T o tell you the truth," he answered, " I 'm looking for my right e a r ! "


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