1948 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie (2nd edition)


The BonVivant's Companion

Kum Daisy

I teaspoonful of sugar I teaspoonful raspberry syrup Juice of half a lime Juice of half an orange Juice of half a lemon % jigger Medford rum Fill shaker with ice, shake, strain, and serve in %0-Iiter stein.

Airport Swizzle

I jigger rum Dash white curagao Lime juice, mint and sugar to taste

Yz of one good hme Falernum to sweeten Yz jigger of Jamaica rum Cracked iceā€”and swizzle well

Ralph Kirkwood (Scotty) Hamilton Hotel Hamilton, Bermuda

HereY to those ivho^d love us If ive only cared. Here's to those we'd love If we only dared. [50]

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