1953 The U K B G Guide to Drinks


Americano Use5oz. wineglass. 1 oz. Campari Bitters. 2oz. Sweet Vermouth. I.ump of Ice. Fill with Soda. Twist of Lemon Peel. Stir.

Black Velvet Use 12 oz.stemmed glass. Pour a chilled Baby Guinness and iced Baby Champagne simultaneously into glass.

Cuba Libre Use 10 oz. tumbler. Insert juice and the rind of I/2 Lime in glass. Add lump of Ice. 2 oz. Dry Rum and fill with Cola.

Frozen Daiquiri Use Champagne glass. Serve with straws. 1/2 Lime or Lemon Juice. I /2 teaspoonful Sugar. 2 oz. Dry Rum. Dash of Maraschino into Electric Mixer with shaved Ice. Serve unstrained.

Moscow Mule Use 10 oz. tumbler. 2 oz. Vodka. Cracked Ice. Fill with Ginger Beer. Decorate rvith sprigs of Mint.

Pimm's No. 1 The original and best known of the four * Cups'marketed as Pimm's Cups has a Gin base. Pimm's No. 2 has Whisky, No. 3, Brandy, and No. 4, Rum, as a base. These drinks are prepared as Slings by topping with Lemonade, Borage and slice of Lemon. Scotch Mist Use old-fashioned glass. Shake 2 oz. Scotch with cracked Ice and pour unstrained. Add twist of Lemon Peel. Serve with straws. Whisky, Gin, or other Spirits"On the Rocks" Use old-fashioned glass. Pour 2 oz. required spirit into above glass. Add 2 lumps of Ice. Stir.


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