1954 King Cocktail Shake Again with Eddie



1 bottle Champagne ^ cup Orange Juice \ cup fresh Pineapple Juice 3 ponies Jamaica or Barbados Rum 1 quart Claret \ cup Lime Juice 3 ponies Cointreau or Curagao 1 pint Soda Water A little Sugar to taste and keep it dry and not too sweet

Add Ice and garnish with very thin slices of green lime. This is a particularly delicate Punch and Barbados Rum is less likely to overpower the delicate wine flavours than Jamaica.


Ingredients: 3 bottles Jamaica Rum 1^ bottles Brandy 1 lb. Loaf Sugar 2 qts. Fresh Water

1 qt. Lime or Lemon Juice 1 wineglass Peach Brandy

Put the sugar in the punch bowl and pour on enough water to dissolve completely, then pour in the various spirits and liquids, stirring well. Allow the mixture to stand for an hour or so, then before serving place in a large piece of ice.

ANCIENT WASSAIL BOWL Ingredients: 2 teaspoonfuls grated Nutmeg 1 teaspoonful grated Ginger 6 whole Cloves 1 inch Stick Cinnamon 1 teacup Sugar

6 Yolks of Eggs 3 Whites of Eggs 6 Cored Apples (but not pared) ^ teaspoonful Mace 1 teacup Fresh Water 3 bottles Sherry or Madeira


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