1954 Practical Bar Management by Eddie Clarke


whites, beat up. When the wine is warm, mix a teacupful with the eggs. Repeat this process five times, each time allowing the wine to become warmer. Boil remaining wine. Add to punch bowl, stirring until it froths. Fill cored apples with sugar, sprinkle on a little of the spice and roast until nearly done. Throw them into the bowl and serve the whole punch very hot. Pour into a basin the yolks of 4 eggs, add 2 tablespoonsful of sugar and beat well together. In another basin beat the whites of the eggs and a little sugar to a froth. Into a saucepan pour half a bottle of Sherry,add the grated peel of half a lemon, one tea spoonful of nutmeg (grated) and a stick of cinnamon, also sugar to taste if the Sherry is too dry. Bring the contents of the saucepan to the boil and add a double Rum—two doubles would be better still. Pour this into the basin containing the prepared yolks of eggs. Stir well and serve in thick glasses. Add a little beaten egg white to each drink. Rum Booze (For 4 Persons)

The Shanghai Cossack Punch

1 pint of Brandy ^ pint of Cura9ao, Yellow 2 Lemon Rinds I quart of hot Tea ^ quart of Dark Rum 4 Lemons(strained Juice) Orange Flower Water This is simmered up once over a spirit lamp and poured off steaming to each guest, who sweetens to taste—mostly add ing a dash of orange flower water. teaspoonsful Orgeat Syrup 2teaspoonsful of grated Nut meg I teaspoonful of grated Ginger I-inch stick of Cinnamon 6 whole Cloves I teacup of Sugar 6 Yolks of Eggs 3 Whites of Eggs 6 cored Apples(but not pared) J teaspoonful of Mace I teacup offresh Water 3 bottles Sherry or Madeira Cover the spices with cold water and bring to the boil, adding the wine and sugar. Allow to heat. Meanwhile, warm the punch bowl, add the egg yolks and Ancient Wassail Bowl


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