1954 Practical Bar Management by Eddie Clarke


Egg Nogg This drink can be made with either Brandy, Whisky, Rum, Gin, Sherry or Port. Pour into the shaker: i measure of the desired spirit or I wine glass ofthe chosen wine. Add the contents of i egg, i tablespoonful of sugar, ^ tum bler fresh milk. Shake extra well and strain into a tall tumbler glass. Grate a little nutmeg on the drink before serving. Sours (Whisky, Brandy or Rum) Pour into a shaker a measure ofthe desired spirit and add: Juice off Lemon I teaspoonful of Sugar I dash of Angostura Bitters J White of an Egg Shake well and strain into a wine glass. Decorate with a slice of orange.

Gin Sour

Pour into a shaker:

I measure of Gin Juice off Lemon I teaspoonful of Sugar ^ White of an Egg

Shake well and strain into a wine glass. Decorate the drink with a slice of orange.


This drink can be made with either Brandy, Whisky, Rum, Gin, Sherry or Port. Pour into a shaker: i mea sure of the desired spirit or i wine glass ofchosen wine. Add the contents of i egg, also i teaspoonful of sugar. Shake extra well and strain into a large wine glass. Decorate with grated nutmeg before serving.

AFTER-DINNER COCKTAILS [These cocktails are quite suitablefor serving after dinner, although they could also precede a meal in the usual wayil

Shake well in the cocktail shaker the following ingre dients: ^ teaspoonful of Maraschino I dash of Angostura 3 teaspoonsful of fresh Lemon Juice J Cura9ao

Brandy Crusta Cocktail Use a small wine glass. Moisten the rim with lemon and dip it into castor sugar. This frosts the glass. Cut the rind of \ lemon in a spiral fashion, place this in the glass and fill with crushed ice.


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