1954 Practical Bar Management by Eddie Clarke


Useful Things to Know

Imperial Measures

= I pint = I quart = I gallon

4 gills 2 pints 4 quarts I gallon I quart I pint I gill


=i6o fluid ounces — 4® " »» = 20 ,, ,, 5 >> '> BAR MEASURE GUIDE The standard bar measure is based on a gill, hence:

"4 out" is I gill, which is ijfluid ozs. "S out" is i „ which is i „ „ "6 out" is i „ which is f „ „ Ther^ore thirty-two "6 out" measures is equivalent to a bottle holding 26f fluid ounces. It is legally deflned that imperial and pint bottles must contain one-fourth and one-eighth of a gallon respectively, but the actual liquid contents of a wine bottle which most people accept as containing a quart does not come under this ruling; it is in a similar category to the glass of beer ordered at the"local", as against a request for a half-pint. Wines purchased from reliable flrms will contain the "reputed" quart, which is 26f fluid ounces, being one-sixth of the imperial gallon compared with the 40 fluid ounces of the imperial quart. OUTSIZE BOTTLE SIZES

4 bottles= 70 gallons 6 „ = 1-05 „ 8 „ = 1-40 » 12 „ = 2-IO „ 16 „ = 2-8o „ 20 „ = 3-50 »

Rehoboam Methuselah Salmanazar Balthazar Nebuchadnezzar


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