1954 Practical Bar Management by Eddie Clarke


Below the shelf there should be built-in lockers for the storage of stock and glasses, fitted if possible with sliding doors. These, providing they run easily, are by far the best type, not only do they save negotiable space behind the bar, but they also limit the number of mishaps caused by a carelessly left-open hinged door. Naturally the lockers should be fitted with shelves, and these must be far enough apart to permit easy withdrawal and replacement of bottles, remembering also that products come in all shapes and sizes of bottles, for example, such items as vermouths are in litre containers. That about covers section (i) which has mainly concerned the requirements of the bartender, and having attained his needs, one can, with certain reservations, give the remainder of the bar background (section (2)) over into the hands of the designer, which will allow him to blend it in with the completed picture of the whole room. Without encroaching too far on the designer's ground, there are a few danger points to be wary of. For instance, the worst possible background to a bar is to have one of those huge plain mirrors, in which a customer can gaze at himself through easy stages of drinking, or shudder and recoil in horror when he has called in early thefollowing morningfor that"hair ofthe leg ofthe dog". Bars which have such monstrosities of mirrors would be wise to have them sandblasted, or to erect showcases in front of them, which is quite a good idea as the mirror reflects the various bottles, giving the impression of well-stocked shelves. Whatever the design of the background, it must be such that in time it will not drive the customers to distraction, it must be pleasing without being too striking. The mostfavoured decoration in these modern times is to have interesting scenes in colour or sandglass with shelves for bottle displays on staggered lines. There is one interesting point to bear in mind with regard to glass behind the bar: one will notice the ladies favour a little, invariably they will pause in the midst of a conversation to cast a quick glance at their reflections, just to satisfy themselves that their feminine charm is in correct order. Probably the most unique background for a bar is to have a huge, built-in aquarium. One is told that it is most soothing for


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