1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD CHFJER" Robert Burns Cocktail


1 daS'h a·bsinthe. ~ shot Italian vermouth. ~ shot Irish or Scotch whiskey. Shake well. Rose Cocktail U shot orange juice.

U shot grenadine syrup. ~ s•hot gin. Shake well.

Royal Smile Cocktail

% shot lime juice. Yi pony grenadine syrup. Yi shot French vermourth. 0 shot apple brandy. 1 white of egg. Shake. Serve in claret glass. Ruby Cocktail 1 dash grenadine. 1 barspoonful aipple jack. ;J4 shot dry gin. Shake well. Sabath Cocktail 0 shot French brandy. 0 shot port wine. 1 egg. 0 pony black coffee. Yi barspoon sugar. Shake and strain into claret glass and serve. Salome Cocktail

~ shot Italian vermouth. ~ shot French vermouth. 0 shot dry gin. 2 dashes orange bitters. Frappe with 3 celery leaves.

Sandy McKay Cocktail

1 whi•te of egg, 1 shot dry gin. Yi shot ItaHan vermouth. Yi shot orange juke. 1 lbarspoon grenadine. Shake. Serve in claret glass. Saratoga Cocktail 2 dashes pineapple juice.

2 dashes maraschino. 1 dash orange bitters. 1 shot brandy. Shake.

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