1920 For Snakes Bites - or something


"GOOD CHEER" Sherry Cocktail

1 shot sherry wine. 1 dash orange bitters. 1 dash Angostura bitters.

Silver Cocktail

2 dashes orange bitters. 7:1 shot Italian vermouth. % shot dry gin. 2 dashes maraschin'O. Shake. Smith Cocktail Y;; shot brandy. Y;; shot apric•ot brandy. 1 barspoonful creme de menthe. Shake. 1 dash absinthe on top. Society Cocktail 7:1 shiot dry gin. % shot ·French vermouth. 1 dash grenadine syrup. Shake. Soda Cocktail 3 dashes Angostura bitters. Use large glass and lump ice. Add a t~aspo·on.ful of powdered sugar. Serve. Soul Kiss Cocktail 7:1 shot rye whiskey. 7:1 s·hot Dubonnet. 7:1 sbrot French ver-mouth. 1 barspoon orange juice. Shake. South Africa Cocktail ~ shot sherry wine. 1 dash Angostura bitters. ~ shot gin. 3 drops lime juice. Sphinx Cocktail % shot dry gin. 76 slh01t Italian vermouth. 76 shot French vermouth. Very thin slice lemon peel on top. Star Cocktail (Old Fashion) Peel of whole lem•on. 1 pint of lemon soda.

1 barspoonful of sugar. 1 das•h of orange bitters. % shot apple jack. 7:1 shot Italian vermouth. Slice orange. Sprig of mint.

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