1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Mint Julep (Southern Style). · Half a tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved in a long thin glass with a little water, add a few sprigs of mint, stems down, fill the glass with fine ice, add half a jigger of brandy, half jigger rum; mix well, trim with fruit and sprigs of mint. Serve straws. Whiskey Julep. Prepare in the same manner as Brandy J\ulep, using whiskey in place of brandy. Knickerbein. A wineglass one-third full of vanilla cordial, the yolk of one egg, cover the egg carefully with benedictine, fill the glass with kiimmel, add two drops of Angostma bitters. See that ·the different ingredients are not mixed. Knickerbocker. Put into a long glass the juice of half a lemon, one pony raspberry syrup, half a pony curagoa, one jigger St. Croix rum, fill the glass with fine ice; mix well, trim with a slice of pineapple, orange and lemon. Serve with straws. Lalla Rookh. A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one pony vanilla cordial, one-half jigger brandy, half a jig-

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