1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Arrack Punch. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a mixing– g lass half-full of fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine suga r , one jigger arrack; shake well, and serve same as Apple Brandy Punch. I Boating- Club Punch. In a mixing-glass the juice of one lime, one tablespoonful fine sugar, add a li ttle water, fill glass half-full fin e ice, add one-half ji gger brandy, half jigger St. Croix rum; shake well , serve on ice in a long thin g lass, ornament with fruits m season . Serve straws. Hot Boland Punch. A hot-drink glass one-third full boi ling water, add one lump of sugar, one jigger Scotch whiskey, fill up with ginger ale, add a piece twisted lemon peel, grate nutmeg on top. Bonanza Punch (For a Party). Five quarts cold water, four and one-half pounds of fine sugar, the ju ice of twelve lemons, three oranges, one can pineapple, one-half pint Tom gin, one pint white wine. Grate the rinds of three , lemons and two oranges into a bowl , add the juice of the oranges and lemons. Put two quarts water, two pounds sugar, and 6

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