1930 Noble Experiments by Judge Jr

EUVS Collection The third volume in the Famous Here's How Series

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· Noble Experiments The THIRD Volume in the Famous HERE'S HOW Series 'By Judge Jr.



Tl1is volmne pttblislied for Judge P1tb– lishing Company by tl1e John Day Com– pany, Inc. COPYRIGHT, 1930, BY JUDGE PUBLISHING COMPANY









CONTRIBUTED BY Bruce Bairnsfather . . . .. Page'l 3 Ralph Barton . . . . . . . . . . " 14 Heywood Broun . . . . . . . " 1S Percy Crosby . . . . . . . . . . " 16 Corey Ford . . . . . . . . . . . " 17 Milt Gross . . . . . . . . . . . . " 18 H. L. Mencken . . . . . . . " 19 George J ean Nathan . . . . " 20 W alter Winchell . . . . . . . " 21 Roland Young . . . . . . . . . " 22 Florenz Zieg feld . . . . . . . " 21 APPLEJACK COCKTAILS Bon Voyage . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 24 The Psittacosis . . . . . . . . . . . " 24 The Jack Rabbit . . . .. ... . " 25 Pink Lady ... .. .., , . . . . . . " 25 [ 7 ]

BACARDI COCKTA ILS The Loud Speaker . . . . . . . .Page 26 The Detour . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 26 Daiguiri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 2 7 BRANDY COCKTAILS Fourth Dimension . . . . . . . . " 27 The High Hat . . . . . . . . . . . " 28 Sweet Adeline . . . . . . . . . . . " 28 The Black J ack . . . . . . . . . . " 29

BRANDY AND GIN The Bridge Table . . . . . . . . " 29

GIN COCKTAILS Little America . . . . . . . . . . . " 30 The Glider . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 30 South Africa ..... . . . .. . -. " 31 The Nip & Tuck . . . . .. . .. " 31 Maiden's Prayer . . . . . . . . . " 32 Good Night, L adies! . . . . . . " 32 . [ 8 ]

GIN AND WHISKEY COCKTAILS The Morning Glory . . . .. . Page 33 WHISKEY COCKTAILS Senator's Solace . . . . . . . . . . " 33 The W alla Walla . .. . .... " 34 The Stone Fence'. . . . . . . . . " 34 LONG, COOL DRINKS Northern Light. . . . . . . . . . " 35 The Hay Maker . . . . . . . . . " 35 The Oasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 36 Pink 'Un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 36 The T amarind . . . . . . . . . . " 37 The Kentucky Mint Jul ep .. " 38 Georgia Mint Julep . . . . . . . " 39 Farmer Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . " 39 The Pyrene . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 40 HOT DRINKS The Hot Cha Cha . . . . . . . . " 41 American Grog . . . . . . . . . . " 41 Apple Toddy. . . . . . . . . . . . " . 42 [ 9]

The Inferno . . ... . .. . .. .Page 42 EGG' NOGS Shetry Egg Nog . . . . . . . . . " 43 Marylaqd Egg Nog . . . . . . . " 43 Egg Nog for Whoopee.. . . " 44 PUNCHES The One-Two Punch . . . . . " 45 The Rabbit Punch . . . . . . . . " 45 Bowl Evil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 46 Champagne Punch . . . . . . . . " 4 7 IMPROVED TEMPERANCE DRINKS The Mabel Fruit Punch . . . " 48 Fruit J?unch . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 49 White' Fruit Cup . . . . . . . . . " 5 0 MORNING AFTER BEVERAGES The Parachute . . . . . . . . . . .. " 51 Saratoga Bracer . . . . . . . . . . " 51 White Rat . . . .. . . . . . . . . . " 52 [ 10]

PICK-ME-UPS Stinger .. . ... ... . . . . . . . Page 52 To Discourage Hiccoughs . . " 53 Bromo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 53 Prairie Oyster. . . . . . . . . . . " 54 Tomato Juice Cocktail. . . . " 54 Clam Juice Cocktail . . . . . . " 55 ' OLD FAVORITES Absinthe Cocktail. . . . . . . . . " 56 Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 56 Bronx Cocktail . . . . . . . . . . " 56 Champagne Cocktail . . . . . . " 57 Clover Club . . . . . . . . . . . . " 57 Dry Martini . . . . . . . . . . . . " 5 i Dubonnet Cocktail . . . . . . . " 58 Diamond Fizz . . . . . . . . . . . " 58 Gin Daisy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 58 Gin Rickey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 59 Gin Fizz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 59 Golden Fizz . .. . . . . .'. . . . . " 59 J ack Rose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 60 Judge Cocktail . . . . . . . . . . " 60 [ 11 ]


Manhattan . . . . .. .... .. .Page 60 Martini . .... . '.' . . . . . . . . . " 61 Old Fashioned Cocktail. . . . " 61 Perfect Cocktail . . . . . . . . . " 62 Side Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 62 Silver Fizz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 62 Sherry Flip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 63 ' Shandy Gaff . . . . . . . . . . . . " 63 Whiskey Sour . . . . . . . . . . . " 63

[ 12]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF Bruce Bairnsfather Down for Nine is the name of the pet thirst quencher-and "if you know a better 'ole, go to it."

To make I quart of the above place in a quart bottle the juice of six Lemons 4- ounces of Jamaica Rum 1 ounce of Grenadine 3 ounces of Cointreau Then fill any space left in the bottle with Bacardi. Use plenty of ice, and shake till exceedingly cold.

P.S. Drink it, then start again.

They're not rtmning liquor across the border any more-they're walking with it. [ 13 ]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF Ralph Barton "FoR the true ' amateur there is .no su~h thing as a favorite receipt."

1 part Cognac 2 parts Porto (red)

No ice, of course, and no . shak– ing. Extremely easy on a jaded interior, and is •the best thing in the world to refit the system for hard drinking. It has the kick of .a Martini.

A new device that is now on the mar– ket should go a long way toward taking the sting out of the Jones Law; it's a combination flask and cigarette lighter, using the Jame liquid in both. [ 14-]

THE FAVORITE 'coNCOCTION OF Heywood Broun THis, aptly entitled September Morn, is his conception of a delicious drink.

3 parts Gin 1 part Grenadine 1 part Cream 1 white of egg

Juice of ¥2 a Lemon Juice ol ¥2 a Lime Shake well before using.

The Prohibition Bureatt now plans to put out posters portraying the evils of the liquor traffic and the benefits of Prohibition. And in time we predict they'll be plastered all.cn·er. [ 15 ]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF Percy Crosby THE creator of "Skippy" has done equal wonders with

1 jigger Bacardi I jigger Grapefruit JUI Ce juice % a Lime A dash of Apricot Brandy

"What'll it be, boys, Scotch or Rye?" said the ex-bartender as he prepared to. paste labels on the bottles of his newest batch of stttff. [ 16 J

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF Corey Ford "THERE'S just one drink that repre– sents to me the sine qua non of in– spired imbibing." • . . Read on. Planters' Punch a la Colonial (with apologies to Wine Steward Bill Lohmeyer). % ounce 'Grenadine (preferably Giron i's) Juice of 1 Lime, ordinary size (not Lemon) 2% ounces Jamaica Rum

Seltzer water-just a dash to give a proper twang. Ice and fruit added when served– orange peel, cherry, lemon twist.

Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow all three may be illegal. [ 17 ]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF Milt Gross EvEN "Louie dat dope," says his cre– ator, couldn't go wrong with this.

Old Fashioned Cocktail (see page 61) with a teaspoonful of vanilla ice cream stirred in.

Pint Bootlegger-There's a storm brewing. Second-Oh, Gawd--·more competi– tion! [ 18 ]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF H. L. Mencken NONE-for he calmly states his plat– form as follows:

"My preference is for Wines and Beers. . . . I have actually started a public campaign against Cocktails.."

Oscar of the Waldorf says that the old-style elaborate banquet with its after-dinner speeches is being killed off by Prohibition. Well, well, maybe we ought to keep the blamed thing after all! [ 19]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF George Jean NC;lthan FROM that critical connoisseur of things theatrical comes The Flores– tan Cocktail: % Gin

Ya Italian Vermouth A dash of Absinthe Do not ice.

STILL OUT "How about the fury in that Prohibi– tion case?" "They've been out six hours and they just requested the court to send in some more evidence." [ 20 ]

'.J'HE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF W ~lter Winchell NEW YoRK's most knowing man about town calls this A Pink Lady. 7f pint of Orange juice 7f pint of Cream 7f pint of Grenadine 7f pint of Gin Shake well until frosted.

There's gold in them there mountains, There's gold in them the1·e hills; The natives there are getting it By operating stills. [ 21 ]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF It Roland Young "MY receipt is not original-merely successful."

Juice of 6 red Limes Flavor with Apricot Cordial, Gin-one cocktail glass per person And a good night's sleep.

And if only teetotalers can be Prohi– bition agents, then who's going to drink up all the confiscated licker? [ 22 ]

THE FAVORITE CONCOCTION OF Florenz Ziegfeld THE "glorifier of the American Girl" guarantees this one.

A Bacardi Cocktail with strained honey-to make 8 cocktails, using a cocktail glass for measure– ment: 3 glasses Lime juice ~ glass strained honey (mixed with above-more honey if more sweetness 1s desired) 4 glasses of Bacardi Shake well.


"Check your bag, mister(" "Yes, and put it on ice." [ 23 ]

Bon Voyage A MIXTURE that was invented during the heavy fog of a sailing party. % jigger Applejack Ya jigger Italian Vermouth 1 teaspoonful of sugar 2 dashes of Angostura or Orange Bitters

Serve in "old fashioned" glass with a slice of orange, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. The Psittacosis

AFTER a few of these, you'll do a lot of talking and not know what you're tallcing about. % jigger Applejack Yi! jigger French Vermouth

14 jigger Grenadine % jigger Lime juice White.of an egg Shake well. [ 24]

The Jack Rabbit NAMED in honor of the legendary bunny who took one swig and went out looking for a bull dog.

% jigger Applejack Y:i jigger Lime juice 1 teaspoonful ·Grenadine 1 dash of Absinthe Pink Lady

. A DRINK that'll have you looking ~t the world through rose-colored glasses.

Ya Applejack Ya Lime juice Ya Gin Sweeten to taste with Grenadine.

When your sight C01711fnences to go back on you, it's not your glasses you ought to change but what you put in them. [ 25]

The Loud Speaker J usT the thing to do your setting up exercises with. 1 jigger Bacardi % jigger Grapefruit juice White of an egg 1 teaspoonful Grenadine Shake well. The Detour BuT don't let its name worry you– all roads lead to Rum. 1 jigger Bacardi

~ jigger Grenadine Juice of % a Lime Shake well.

PERSONAL ADVT. Gentleman, driving his own car to Canada, will take along gentleman as companion, if latter will drive back. [ 26]

The Daiguiri THIS should have been listed among the "Old Favorites" but it's too good to put way in the back of the book. Ya jigger Bacardi % jigger Lime juice 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar Shake well in finely cracked ice. Fourth Dimension AND when you start on this mixture you should yell "Fore." % white Creme de Menthe % Brandy % Creme de Cocoa % Cointreau Shake.

And remember the old days before Prohibition, when yot~ couldn't buy a drink on Sunday? [ 27]

The High Hat WHICH to our way of ~hinking is a name to conjure with. Ya jigger Brandy

Ya jigger Apricot Brandy Ya jigger white Creme de Menthe 1 dash Absinthe Sweet Adeline

DoN'T try this on your piano! 1 jigger Cognac Juice of 4- Strawberries 1 dash Maraschino 2 dashes Orange Bitters

COOLIDGE HUMOR "Give me a sentence with the word 'anticipating.' " "He spent the night in drinking, gam– bling, anticipating.'' [ 28]

The Black Jack THIS will sneak up on you and hit you right on the back of the head. Ya Brandy Ya Cointreau Ya cold black Coffee Shake well. Rub edge of each glass with a slice of lemon and dip in powdered sugar. The Bridge Table So named because after a few of these your legs will fold up. Ya jigger Gin Ya jigger Brandy lf2 jigger Apricot Brandy lf2 jigger Lime juice Shake. Frequently it isn't the ice that makes people slip; it's, the stuff they put the ice in. [ 29]

Little America No fooling, this is a Byrd! 1 jigger Gin % jigger Lemon juice 1 teaspoonful sugar White of an egg 1 teaspoonful cream Shake well. The Glider AND the only way you can get any place with these is to be towed. 1 jigger Gin 1 dash Absinthe

2 dashes Grenadine Juice of % a Lime White of an egg

· The trouble with Prohibition is this: If it ever becomes a complete success no– body could celebrate it. [ 30 ]

South Africa "DEAR JUDGE J UNIOR"-writes Colonel X-"Without your splendid recipe for the South Africa my recent expedition would have been a failure and I should never have been suc– cessful in my scientific study of the habits of the pink elephant." Y2 jigger Gin

Y2 jigger Sherry Wine 1 dash Angostura Bitters 5 drops Lime juice Shake.

The Nip & Tuck A FEW nips of this and they tu!=k you in bed. % jigger Gin % jigger Apricot Brandy Shake. [ 31 ]

Maiden's Prayer

AND this is the answer. % jigger Gin ·

Juice of 1h a Lemon White of an egg 1 small teaspoonful sugar 2 dashes of your favorite Li– queur Good Night, Ladiesl

AND we don't mean maybe! 1 jigger Gin 1h jigger Apricot Brandy

1h jigger Grenadine Juice of 1h a Lemon

The man who wed to wonder what happened to all the old used razor– blades is now trying to find ot1t what happens to all the empty ginger ale bot– tles. [ 32]

The Morning Glory INSTEAD ·of saying it with flowers, try saying it with these.

2 jiggers Gin 1 jigger Rye

2 jiggers Lemon juice Ya jigger Grenadine Whites of 2 eggs Shake well.

Senator's Solace AND along with this drink goes a little advice to traveling senators: Don't hand over your luggage to a baggage smasher. % jigger Bourbon % jigger Benedictine A piece of twisted lemon peel Stir well and serve in "old fash– ioned" glass. [ 33]

The Walla Walla Too many of these and you see double. 1 jigger Bourbon or Rye 7{i jigger Grapefruit juice 14 jigger Apricot Brandy 7{i teaspoonful powdered sugar The Stone Fence You'LL have to figure out the reason for this n ame yourself.

1 jigger Rye 2 cubes of ice Fill glass with cider, twist lemon peel. on top. Stir.

STATISTIC Florida raised enough grapef mit last season to blind everybody that Prohibi- tion didn't. [ 34] "\~ : -r

Northern Light LAST August this beverage was se– lected by our own Drink-of-the– Month Committee. 1 jigger Gin Juice of 1 Lime 4 or 5 sprigs of mint, crush Mix in a tall glass, add ice cubes and fill with dry ginger ale. The Haymaker OTHERWISE known as Farm Relief.

1 jigger Applejack 1 teaspoon£ul sugar 2 dashes of Angostura Bitters Mix in tall goblet, add ice cubes, fill with hard cider and twist lemon peel on top.

And if the farmers want protection, they should go into the bootlegging busi- ness. [ 35 ]

The Oasis IF the Arabs had gotten hold of this recipe they wouldn't have been able to steal away, to say nothing of fold– ing their tents. 1 ~ jiggers Scotch

1 teaspoonful powdered sugar 2 teaspoonfuls Pineapple juice Pour into tall glass of shaved ice and garnish with a slice of orange, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. Serve with a straw. Pink 'Un

\VHY it's called this, unless it's be– cause it's pink, we wouldn't know. 1 pint of white Wine

1 jigger of Brandy or Rye Add crushed strawberries and serve m tall glasses of cracked ice. [ 36]

The Tamarind


ORIGINATED DONALD BARR CHIDSEY to whom we give thanks.

3 jiggers Gin 1 Y2

jigger Tamarind sirup

(from any delicatessen) Juice of Y2 a Lemon

Mix in tall glass of cracked ice. Fill with siphon, sweeten to taste with powdered sugar and twist lemon peel on top.

A man sometimes drinks to forget, and about the only thing he forgets is when to stop. [ 37 ]

The Kentuc.ky Mint Julep

Put one teaspoonful of sugar in a tall glass and moisten with a few drops of water. Take three or four sprigs of fresh mint and mash them into the sugar and water. Fill the glass with tightly packed shaved ice (use ice shaver or pound ice in a cloth), and fill with Bourbon Whiskey. Stir slowly with a circular motion until a white frost forms on the glass. (Care must be taken in stirring to prevent liquid from running down the outside of the glass and spoil– ing the frost.) Then press a small bunch of mint, stems down, into the glass so as to form a bouquet on top, and dust over with powdered sugar.

H owewives used to call . ttp the butcher /or choice cuts when planning a dinner-party. Now they phone the bootlegger. [ 38 ]

Georgia Mint Julep Put a dozen sprigs of fresh tender mint in a tall glass; add l teaspoonful of powdered sugar previously dissolved in a little water, % jigger of Cognac and % jigger of Peach Brandy. Fill up the glass with shaved ice and stir but do not crush the mint. Bourbon or Rye Whiskey is sometimes substituted for the Brandy. Farmer Gray AND this is the load he took away. % jigger Applejack ?{ jigger Curac;ao Juice of % a Lemon I teaspoonful sugar Shake, pour into tall glass of fine ice.

If Prohibition is repealed, Ford is going to quit making cars. lf it isn't, Mack is going to make bigger trucks. [ 39 J

The Pyrene

FoR EDWARD CLAPP. He has solved the problem of what to do when your throat's on ii re. 1 jigger Jamaica Rum "Y2 teaspoonful Grenadine Juice of Y:i a Lemon 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar Dash of nutmeg which we thank

Put in tall glass of cracked ice and fill with Seltzer. Decorate with slice of orange, slice of pineapple and a few sprigs of mint.

And one of the most popular diver– sions in the United States is the diver– sion of industrial alcohol. [ 4-0 ]

The Hot Cha Cha

TH rs libation is hot stuff!

1 jigger Jamaica Rum Y2 teaspoonful allspice Y2 teaspoonful sugar Sweet butter the size of a large pea

Put in glass, fill with boiling water, and twist piece of lemon peel on top. Stir. American Grog IN France they call it Grog Ameri- can. 1 jigger Jamaica Rum 1 lump sugar Juice of Y:i a Lemon Fill glass ·..vith hot water. Stir.

N ow b"sides the- bride's first biscuits, we have the bridegroom's first batch, of beer. [ 41 ]

, Apple Toddy SoMETIMES called Eve's Downfall. 1 jigger of Applejack Yz a baked apple 1 large teaspoonful sugar

Put in tall glass with approxi– mately 1 jigger of boiling water. Grate a little nutmeg on top. Stir thoroughly and serve with a spoon. The Inferno

AND this is a Dante drink. 1 jigger Applejack Yz lump sugar

Fill glass with boiling water and twist piece of lemon peel on top. Stir.

Simile:-As easy as falling off a water wagon . [ 42]

Sherry Egg N og So called because it's made with Sherry. 2 jiggers Sherry 1 egg 1 small teaspoonful sugar 1 teacup rich milk

Shake well with 2 or 3 cubes of ice, strain and grate a little nut– meg on top.

Maryland Egg Nog IN the good old days you could get this drink by asking for a Yellow ,Peril. 1 jigger Bourbon

1 dash Jamaica Rum 1 teaspoonful sugar 1 egg 1 teacup rich milk

Shake well with 2 or 3 cubes of ice, strain and grate a little nut– meg on top. [ 43 ]

Egg Nog for Whoopee THIS secret formula was told to Judge Jr. by an old wild Indian.

1 ~ quarts of Brandy Y:! pint Jamaica Rum 1 0 fresh eggs 5 quarts rich milk 1 pound granulated sugar

Separate whites from yolks and beat separately with an egg beater. Mix the Brandy, Rum, sugar and yolks in a punch bowl. Add milk slowly while stirring. When thoroughly mixed grate over with nutmeg and float the beaten whites on top. Cool in tub of cracked ice. This makes 7 quarts.

We don't know anything about wine, but the world see>ms to be full of people who spend their time putting new gin into old bottles. ' [ 44-]

The One-Two Punch

:THIS is a knockout!

2 jiggers Applejack 2 jiggers Brandy 2 jiggers Pineapple juice

Juice of 5 Lemons z· quarts of Sauterne 2 quarts of Apollinaris Sugar to taste. Decorate with fresh fruit. The Rabbit Punch THis is illegal in something like forty-eight states. 1 quart Bourbon Yi! pint J amaica Rum Yi! pint Maraschino 1 quart cold green Tea Juice of 6 Lemons Juice of Yi! a Pineapple Stir in punch bowl with a large piece of ice and decorate with fresh fruit. [ 45 ]

··Bowl Evil THE Bowl Evil'll getcha if you don't watch out! Yz pint Sherry 2 jiggers Brandy 1 pint Cider Juice of 1 Lemon Ya cup granulated sugar

Stir all ingredients, except Brandy, in a punch bowl, and cool in ice box. When cold add the Brandy and a few strips of cucumber rind.

Then there is the fond parent who had such a time keeping his son ottt of jail, he got him a jo'b with a bootlegger. [ 46]

Champagn-e Punch A cooo way to use up your old Champagne.

1 pint Rye Whiskey 7'2 pint Jamaica Rum 1 large can of Pineapple and juice 1 % teacups granulated sugar 1 Orange and 1 Lemon sliced Mix in punch bowl and let stand in ice for 2 hours. Then add 1 quart of green tea. Just before serving add 2 quarts of Cham– pagne.

As the w ife .raid to her husband who returned h ome intoxicated and without h is pay : "You can't bring home the bacon f ried." [ 4-7 ]

FOR ~I;IE FOLLOWING THREE REC– IPES TH~ 4UTHOR ACKNOWLEDGES HIS INDEBTEDNESS TO THE DEPART– MENT OF NON-ALCOHOLIC FRUIT PRODUCTS OF THE NATIONAL WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. The Mabel Fruit Punch A CONCOCTION of Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt which can be made surprising,ly palatable by add– ing I pint of Ne'w Jersey pure con– centrated Applejack and half a cup– ful of Jamaica Rum. To one small-sized bottle of Red Concord California pure con- - centrated Grape juice add 2 bot– tles of light-colored Ginger Ale and 1 lemon sliced thin, and half a cupful of chopped mint leaves. Serve very cold, [ 4-8]


Fruit Punch THIS mixture of Laura Volstead Loman's is the one recipe in this volume which has not been tested by Judge Jr. or by any member of his committee. Nor will it be l

1 can of grated Pineapple 3 cupfuls of boiling water 1 cupful of Tea freshly made Juice of 6 Lemons Juice of 10 Oranges 1 quart of Strawberry, Currant or Grape juice 1 bottle of sparkling water 1 quart sugar or 3 cupfuls sirup 4 quarts of water

Grate pineapple and boil with water 20 minutes. Strain through jelly bags, pump out all possible, let cool and add rest of fruit juice, tea and sirup. If sugar be used add pint water to sugar and let boil 6 or 8 minutes; cool. Chill and add sparkling water just before serving. [ 49]

White Fruit Cup INVENTED by Ella A. Boole, presi– dent of the W.C.T.U., and im– proved upon by Mr. Heywood Broun, who suggests that it be put in a warm .place and let stand for 2 weeks.

cupful of white Grapes cupful of Bartlett Pears cupful of fresh Pineapple 1 cupful of Grapefruit Skin the grapes, remove seeds, and quarter. Skin, section and cut up the grapefruit. Cut pine– apple and pears fine. Cover with the juice of the pears. Add the juice of 1 lemon and sugar to taste.

The troitble with drinking today is that the flesh is willing but the spirits are too strong. [ 50 ]

The Parachute A PICK-ME-UP. that will let you down easy. 1 jigger Cognac 1 jigger Kirschwasser 1 jigger cold black Coffee 1 white of egg Frappe. Saratoga Bracer To get you back in racing form. 2 jiggers of Brandy 3 dashes of Angostura Bitters 2 dashes Absinthe Juice of 1 Lime 1 heaping tablespoonful pul– verized sugar 1 fresh egg Shake, strain into tall glass and fill with Seltzer. A man is drunk when he feels sophis– ticated and can't pronounce it. [ 51 ]

White Rat WHEN the dawn comes up like thun– der, try this.

% Absinthe ~Anisette Shake well.

Stinger AN "Old Favorite" with a mission. Y:! jigger Brandy Y:! white Creme de Menthe Shake and add twist of lemon peel.

Then there is the bootlegger who walked all the way to the drug-store to get some poison to kill the cat. [ 52 ]


DRINK a glass of cold water by plac– ing the lips on the far side of the glass and bending forward and over. If the hiccoughs should be accompanied with dizziness, a wabbling of the knees and a general feeling of ennui, it would be unwise to attempt the above prophy– lactic. Instead, eat a lump of sugar with a few drops of essence of peppermint on it. Bromo PuT 1 heaping teaspoonful of bromo seltzer in a dry tumbler. Fill a second tumbler % full of cold tap water to which add 20 drops of aromatic spirits - of ammonia. Then mix contents of two tumblers by rapidly pouring from one tumbler to the other and drink while effervescing.

[ 53 ]

Prairie Oyster

PouR tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce in a whiskey glass. Float on this one fresh raw egg, taking care not to break the yolk. Sprinkle over with salt and pepper and down in one gulp. Tomato Juice Cocktail STRAIN a can of Delford tomatoes, add salt and shake with 2 or 3 cubes of ice. Worcestershire sauce, tobasco, or pep– per may be added if desired.

The reason you seldom hear jokes nowadays about near beer is that they don't seem to be making that stuff any more. [ 54]

Clam Juice Cocktail As made by Frank, of the Parisienne.

Juice of 6 Clams Juice of ~ a Lemon

1 tablespoonful Tomato ketchup Yi! teaspoon fol Worcestershire sauce 1 dash tobasco Salt and pepper to taste Shake with cracked ice and strain.

Prohibition, we learn, has already cost the people of the United States over $225,000,000. But think of all the fun we've had! ., [ 55 ]


Old Favorites

ABSINTHE COCKTAIL % jigger green Absinth.e

1 dash Orange and Angostura Bitters 1 dash Anisette Shake well.


Ya Gin Ya Creme de Cocoa Ya Cream Shake.

BRONX COCKTAIL Yz jigger Gin * jigger Italian Vermouth * jigger French Vermouth 1 piece Orange Shake well. [ 56]

Old Favorit~s CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL Yz lump of sugar in Champagne glass Fill glass with iced Champagne and twist piece of orange peel on top. • CLOVER CLUB (as served at the Chateau Frontenac) 1 jigger Gin Ys jigger Cream Ys jigger Grenadine Shake. 1 dash Angostura Bitters 1 dash Peychaud Bitters

DRY MARTINI Yz jigger "French Vermouth

Yz jigger Gin Add olive. Stir. [ 57 ]

Old Favorites DUBONNET COCKTAIL % jigger Gin

% jigger Dubonnet 1 dash Orange Bitters Shake.

DIAMOND FIZZ Same as Gin Fizz except fill glass with Champagne instead of Seltzer.


1 jigger Gin Juice % a Lemon % jigger Raspberry sirup Shake Serve in goblet with fine ice and fresh fruit. [ 58 ]

Old Favorites GIN RICKEY

l jigger Gin Juice of * a Lime 1 lump of ice Fill glass with Seltzer Stir.


l jigger Gin Juice of ~~ a Lemon 1 teaspoonful of sugar Shake, strain into fizz glass and fill with siphon. GOLDEN FIZZ 1 jigger Gin Juice of *a Lemon 1 teaspoonful of sugar 1 yolk of egg Shake well, strain into tall glass and fill with Seltzer. [ 59]

Old Favorites

JACK ROSE 1 jigger Applejack 1h a Lime 14 jigger Grenadine sirup Shake well.

JUDGE COCKTAIL Ys jigger Rye Whiskey Ys jigger Apricot .Brandy Shake.


% jigger Bourbon Ya jigger Italian Vermouth 1 dash Angostura Bitters Stir. [ 60]

Old Favorites MARTINI % jigger Gin Ya jigger Italian Vermouth 1 dash Orange Bitters Stir well and serve,

OLD FASHIONED COCK– TAIL (For a Gin Old Fashioned, substitute Gin for Rye)

1 dash Angostura Bitters 2 dashes Orange Bitters Lump of sugar Dissolve in two spoonfuls of water 1 jigger Rye Serve in "old fa shioned" glass with ice, slice of orange and a maraschino cherry. [ 61 ]

Old Favorites PERFECT COCKTAIL % jigger Gin % jigger Italian Vermouth % jigger French Vermouth 1 orange peel Shake.


% Brandy % Cointreau % Lemon juice


1 jigger Gin Juice of Yz a Lemon 1 teaspoonful of sugar 1 white of egg Shake well, strain into tall glass and fill with siphon. [ 62]

Old Favorites

SHERRY FLIP 1 jigger Sherry 1 egg 1 barspoonful sugar Shake, strain, grate nutmeg 011 top.

SHANDY GAFF Half a glass of Ale Half a glass of Ginger Ale

WHISKEY SOUR 1 jigger Scotch Whiskey 1 teaspoonful granulated sugar Juice of ~ a Lemon 1 slice of Lemon [ 63 ]

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