1857 The Bordeaux wine and liquor dealers' guide



FororoLA No. 10.-St. OroiaJ Rwm.

To 40 galls. p. or n. spirits, add : 2 do. St. Croix rum, 2 oz. acetic acid, li do. butyric acid, 3 lbs. loaf sugaY.

r FoRMULA No.11.-Iriah or Sco'tch Whi8key.

To 40 galls. p. or n. spirits, add : 60 drops of creasote, dissolved in 1 qt. alcohol.

2 oz. acetic acid, 1 lb. loaf sugar.

Stand 48 hours.

.FoRMULA No. 12.-H(Yf/,()'#Ujahel,a Whiakey. To 40 galls. p. or n. spirits, add : 2 oz. spirits of nitre, 4 lbs. dried.peaches, 4 lbs. N. 0. sugar, 1 qt. rye (burnt and ground like coffee), t lb. allspice, i do. cinnamon, l lb. cloves. Put in the ingredients, and after standing 5 days, draw it off, and strain the same, if necessary.


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