1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons


May length of daya be crow^ned with prudence. May wo always bo in possession of the power to pleaao* May we live long and enjoy the providence of heaven. May our loolts never be at variance with our thoughts. May the good name thatIs lost be always retrieved. May we always delight to please. May our pleasures befree from the stings of remorse. May the miser live unfriended and die nnlamented. May misfortunes make us wise. May the extremes of fashion bo only imitated by fools. May honest dullness bo always preferred to learned arrogance. May those who are not of humble birth be of humble mind. Ma}'the body be as active as tho miud. May wo never suffer for principles we do not hold. Alay the new year heli^ to make us old. May the prison gloom be cheered by the rays of hope, and lib, erty fetter the arms of oppression. May vanity be punished by inattention, and merit be rowardod by respect. May wo always be bomb-proof against villany. May we never want courage when putto the shift May we strive to avoid law as we do-the devil. May we live in pleasure and die out of debt. May we never ceaseto deserve well ofour country. May the journey through life be sweet as short. May the benevolent never know poverty. May justice overtake oppression. May pleasure tempt and virtue move. M

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