1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
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May the road to happiness bo free from toll bars. May caro be a stranger to the honest heart. May the faults of our neighbors bo hidden, and their virtues glaring. |May we do as we would be done by. May the desires of our hearts be virtuous, and those desires gratified.
May health paint the cheek and sincerity the heart. May we always command success by deserving it. May he that madethe devil take us all. May every honest man turn out a rogue. May wo never be lost to hope. May poverty bo ever a day's march behind us. May we always moan well and act accordingly. May we bo kind—but notin words alone. May good natureand good sense ever be united.
M.aj- goodness prevail when beauty fails. May we shine in science, genius, and arts. May generosity never boovertaken by poverty. M.iy we bo h.appy and our enemies know it. Ma\ our pleasures bo present, and our sorrows be distant. May our atHictions bring our virtues into practice. May we be silent on the follies of others, which, at a certain pe riod of our life, we were guilty of ourselves. May we be alwaj's able to distinguish those, who, by a steady and uniform adherence to their duty, distinguish them selves. May wo never have cause to put on mourniufr. May our pleasures be boundless while we have time to enjoy them. M^y tve never be so base as to envy the happiness of others.
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