1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons
May the men leave roaming^ and the women deceit. May the men we love be honest—and theland We live in free. May the polished heart makeamends for a rougli face. May everysmooth face proclaim asmoother heart. May the judgment of our judges never be biassed. M.ay every day bring more happiness than yesterday. Maythe joys of money never make us forget the true Christian duties. May ave always part with regret, but meet with pleasure. May those who fall by misfortune be'lifted by the haad of reaj friendship. May artificial coloring be always perceived through every veil disguise. May filial piety be ever the result of a religious education. May solid honor soon take place of seeming religion. May we live happy and die in peace, May noise and nonsense be ever banished from social company. Mayhonesty never be ashamed of an un.ashiouable garment. y he who has spirit to resent a wrong, have a heart to for give. tbc bud ofV L' ^ ^Hectiou ripen by the sunshine of sincerity. ay our girls prove chaste and our wives faithful. May we never seek n otnor persons lives by venturing our own. May conquest cro "■I'd mercy sanctify the sword of justice. ry mirror we look at cast an honest reflection. May reason be entk , , ""^ironed a supremo monarch, and our pan. ^■ons subject to his laws. May the unsuspecting man never be deceived, Maya happy opportunity never be neglected. }Iay we never make matrimony a matter of money. May depressed merit soon be exalted.
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