1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



43. Rocky Mountain Punch.

(For ft mixed party of twcnty.)

(From ftroclpe In tho poasoBSlon of Major Jamos Fosior.)

Tliia delicioas punch is compounded as foUows : 5 bottles of Champagne. 1 quart of Jamaica rum. 1 pint of maraschino.

6 lemons, sliced. Sugar to taste.

Mit the above ingrédients in a large punch-bowl, then place in the centre of the bowl a large square block of ice, ornamented on top "with rock candy, loaf-sugar, sliced lemons or oranges, andfruits in season. This is a pplendid punch for New Year's Day.

44. Punch G-rassot.

CThe foflowlng reclpe •waa glvenbyM.Orassot, thô cmlnentFronchc* • »'5anol tho JPalais Goyat, to Mr. Howard Paul, tho colebrated "Entcrtalner," whep per formlugin I^la.)

1 wine-glass of brandy,

• 5 drops of Curaçoa. 1 do. acetic acid. 2 teaspoonfuls of simple syrnp. 1 teaspoonfui of syrup of strawberries. I of a pint of water. The peel of a small lemon, sliced.

Mis, serve up with ice, in large goblet, and, îf possible, garnish the top with a slice of peach or apricot. In cold weather thîa punch is admirable served hot.

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