1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



99. Champagne Cobbler.

(Ooe bottlo of wiDo to fonr largo bar glasaea.)

l table-spoonful of sugar. 1 piece each of orange and lemon peeî.

Fill the tumbler one-thii-d fuU witli shaved ice, and fil' balancewith wine, omament in a tasty manner witb ber« ries in season. This beverage sbould be sipped through • stra-w.

100. Catawba Cobbler.

(TTso large bar glass.)

1 teaspoonful of sngar dissolved in one table-spoonfhl cl ipater. 2 •wineglasses of wine. Fill tumbler witb shaved ice, and ornament with sliced orange and berries in season. Place a straw as described in the sherry cobbler.

101. Hock Cobbler.

(Use largo bar gloss.)

This drink is made the sarae way as the Catawba col^ bler, using Hock wine instead of Catawba.

102. Claret Cobbler.

(Use largo bar glass.)

This drink is made the sarae way as the Catawba cob bler, using claret wine instead of Catawba.

103. Sauteme Cobbler. (Use largo bar glass.) The same as Catawba cobbler, using Sauteme instead of Catawba.

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